A secret erotic gathering of powerhouses, “YUMMY” by Siren Pack features interactive theatre, burlesque, kink sideshow and drag!
Immerse yourself in a world where passion and power collide, leaving you breathless and craving for more.
Diabolique Ball – Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Diabolique Ball: Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is where creative animated kinky toys will converge for an unorthodox session of erotic playtime. Explore your darkest desires for an evening- no action is taboo, no desire too deviant, no costume too outrageous.
Continue readingWhat is Shadow Play for Your Shadow Work?: Exploring Your Unknown
If we must create space for shadow work, its equally important to create space for shadow play. Join SpeakEasy Noir for a musing on ways you can invite your shadow out to play.
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